Monday, December 24, 2012

How Glamorous Are Hollywood Stars' Lives

The Hollywood stars that you often see glamorous in front of their fans are also like the ordinary people. Of course, no matter how popular and gorgeous they are, these people are still humans, just like us. Their only difference from the regular people is that they are seen on TV and have to be at their best at all times. However, if you think that their lives are something that everyone should envy, you must think again.

As you can see, these people have the responsibility to take care of their faces and bodies, in order to have a lasting career. In fact, do you know that Anne Hathaway reportedly on a 500 calorie diet program?

Just imagine the difficulties that Ms. Hathaway has experienced in following a crash diet that requires her to take 500 units of calories per day. We all know that this amount is way below the required calories amount, and yet, there are some people who are compelled to take it, because it is dictated by their profession.

Why did Anne Hathway decide to follow this crash diet? It is because she has to. In order to stay perfect for her upcoming role in a movie she will make, she need to undergo this diet program to achieve the desired weight fast.

This is what most stars do whenever they have movies to make that require them to be in perfect shape – the Hollywood crash diet. While this diet is effective as these famous people are able to lose 16-20 pounds in just a few weeks, there are some health and weight experts who will discourage you from following this program. The reason – your body might not be able to withstand the low amount of calories, which is set at 500 units. However, if you really want to be like your favorite start, then it is really up to you to take the risk.

Monday, December 17, 2012

A List Of The Ten Best Chinese Movie Stars

The 10 best Chinese movie stars range from lovely ladies to archetypal leading men, martial arts heroes to smoldering gangster film icons. Like the stars of any country, the ten best Chinese movie stars can disappear into a role while still bringing their own unique charisma to the part. Here they are, the ten best Chinese movie stars, icons in their homeland and, in some cases, across the world as well.

Bruce Lee – Though his life was tragically cut short, the martial arts icon who really started it all made a worldwide impact in a very short amount of time. He was truly one of the best Chinese movie stars the world has ever seen, and as such, tops our list.

Chow Yun-Fat - Hong Kong's answer to Steve McQueen, Clint Eastwood and every other tough leading man who could truly act, Chow Yun-Fat is definitely one of the ten best Chinese movie stars to grace the screen. From iconic hitman roles in John Woo's "A Better Tomorrow" and "The Killer" to the lead in the trans-national hit "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon," Chow's career is unmatched.

Jackie Chan – The king of stunts and martial arts comedy is our list of Chinese movie stars' equivalent to Buster Keaton or Harold Lloyd. In China, he is also a singing sensation.

Maggie Cheung – A beautiful Chinese actress, Cheung began in typical girlfriend roles, subordinate to male stars. But, as she became one of the ten best Chinese movie stars, her personality and roles grew, until she carried many a film on her own, including the French film "Irma Vep," in which she played a fictionalized version of herself.

Zhang Ziyi - The youngest of our best Chinese movie stars, Zhang hit the screen in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and hasn't looked back since. Youthfully beautiful, she is also believable in martial arts roles, making her a star to watch.

Jet Li – Trained in martial arts in a real Shaolin temple, Li has crossed over to America and is now one of our biggest Chinese movie stars. Early films like "Once Upon a Time in China" showcased unmatched acrobatic skill.

Tony Leung – Another Hong Kong star who has made his mark in international film is Chow Yun-Fat's co-star in Woo's "Hard-Boiled." He is believable as a tough cop or, in Ang Lee's "Lust, Caution," a disillusioned Chinese official.

Gong Li – This beauty is truly one of the most graceful and dignified Chinese movie stars, her look perfect for period pieces. No list of the best Chinese movie stars would be complete without her.

Simon Yam – A character actor and often a villain, Yam is one of the most versatile actors on our list of Chinese movie stars. His work in John Woo's "Bullet in the Head" cannot be touched.

Brigitte Lin - The lead in "The Bride With White Hair," known in America for her role in "Chungking Express," is the final entry on our list of the ten best Chinese movie stars. She is known for playing tough characters at odds with her striking beauty.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Here Is A List Of A Few Great Old American Movies

Is there anything more all-American than Saturday night at the movies? Popcorn, a drink, and someone's hand to hold — it doesn't get much better than that!
To celebrate our nation's birthday, here is a list of a few great American movies of the past 50 years that represent our country in a variety of ways. There was no way to keep this list to 12 and have included the entire history of film, so here's the best since 1962.

1. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)

Based on Harper Lee's brilliant novel, this movie should be required watching for every child in our country. Though adaptations of books to film are often disappointing, this one delivers, in large part because of the Oscar winning portrayal of Atticus Finch by Gregory Peck.

2. The Graduate (1967)

The American dream seen through the eyes of an indifferent college grad. An entire generation cringed at the line "I have one word for you… plastics." Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman) personified the ennui of young adults then… and now. Anne Bancroft, as Mrs. Robinson, was the epitome of the bored 1960's housewife. As sad as the story is, it's oddly inspiring too.

3. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)

The charming and impossibly handsome Butch (Paul Newman) and Sundance (Robert Redford) are the most lovable criminals ever seen on screen. As bank robbers in the late 19th century, Butch and Sundance were emblematic of the lawless wild west. We root for them even though we know they’re the bad guys. There's nothing more All-American than a western, and no pairing of two American actors more appealing than Newman and Redford.

4. Dirty Harry (1971)

Harry, lawman turned renegade, is the personification of all the anger and frustration felt by victims of violent crime. Taking the law into his own hands, Harry is controversial, despicable and sympathetic all at the same time. Clint Eastwood's Harry Callahan has become the icon of payback. Dirty Harry was the film that introduced this particular genre — followed by Die Hard, Terminator, and the like.

5. American Graffiti (1973)

Has there ever been a movie that felt more all-American than this? A hot car, a hot girl, the last night of summer — and Ron Howard, too! George Lucas's first big hit, it continues to resonate 40 years after its release because the theme of growing up and leaving home never gets old.

6. Annie Hall (1977)

Perhaps a little too skewed toward the East Coast version of all-American, Annie Hall still has to be on this list for so exquisitely capturing a particular moment in our country's history, and for it's love stories — both between Annie (Diane Keaton) and Alvy (Woody Allen) and between Woody Allen and New York City.

7. Coming Home (1978)

There have been a lot of movies about the Vietnam war, ranging from the intense and violent to the brave and heroic (Born on the 4th of July). Coming Home is an intimate story about the overwhelming repercussions of the war on 3 very different people — a soldier, his wife, and her paraplegic lover. Jane Fonda and Jon Voight are mad sexy.