Sunday, November 27, 2011

Entertainment Weekly

Okay, I admit it. I couldn’t wait until Tuesday to see my issue of Entertainment Weekly. I had to see it now. These scans have already been published so I thought why not. I was disappointed that there were only the pictures that we had seen yesterday when all the behind the scenes footage seemed like there was a lot more.There was a couple of cute quotes from the article that I wanted to share. First, from Kristen Stewart about Taylor Lautner.
 ”It’s completely understandable why they wanted to make sure he was right for the part.He was so young, 16, so I got it. But I knew he had [to do] it. Just because of how I felt around him. I literally saw Jacob in him. We have that relationship. It’s lamely cute. I love that kid. I would do anything for him. I would kill for him, literally.”Kristen also explains how she got ready for the scene in New Moon where Edward leaves her (TEN Gossip is currently on strike from talking about the movie but I had to share this.)
”Before the scene, I was sitting in my car, like f—ing crying — crying so hard you can’t breathe. Because I was really overwhelmed and intimidated by the scene. Everyone says, ‘She better be able to pull off the emotion in this movie!’ And it’s such an important moment in the book, when he leaves.” The scene exhausted her. ”I’m thinking, ‘We have to be done now. Just tell me we’re done.’” I think this dynamic is going to be incredible and this movie way better. I still can’t wait to read the rest of the article when I get the issue in my mailbox

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