Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happy 98th Birthday, Joe Simon!

The names Joe Simon and Jack Kirby are widely regarded as legendary in the context of comic book history. Either in collaboration or independently, these men were responsible for creating some of the best-known superheroes. Starting out in the earliest days of comics, they also wrote and illustrated a multitude of titles that covered every major comic book genre.
Today, October 11, marks the 98th birthday of Joe Simon. Without his wonderful work with Kirby and other collaborators, we wouldn’t be eagerly anticipating The Avengers or enjoying many of the other blockbusting superhero movies that have become a staple of modern cinema. At CinemaSpy we wanted to mark Simon’s birthday with a look back at some of his pioneering work. Without question, his contribution to the rise of comic books as a popular and respected form of art and entertainment helped to set the stage for the multifaceted superhero franchises that enthrall the world today.
Simon and Kirby (whose real name was Jacob Kurtzberg) were born in New York in 1913 and 1917, respectively. The early years of their work coincided with the so-called Golden Age of Comics and their contribution to that period and beyond was enormous. Some of their earliest collaborations came at Marvel Comics’ predecessor Timely Comics, where they created Captain America (first published in 1941). Later they would contribute – individually or as a team – to the creation of other publications and characters, including the magazine Sick and the iconic superheros The Hulk, The Fantastic Four and X-Men. They would also work for Marvel’s chief rival, DC Comics, producing various titles that included the popular Boy Commandos.
The seemingly boundless energy and creativity of Simon and Kirby ensured that they were also responsible for producing many characters that are less well-known today. Those creations are nonetheless charming footnotes in the annals of comic book history. They include Stuntman, Fighting American, The Fly and the supernatural superhero The Vision. Some of these had more verve than substance, but they were essential to the development of superheros in general and reflect an age more interested in adventure than angst. Simon and Kirby didn’t restrict themselves to heroes, either. They effectively invented the romance comic book and contributed, with varying commercial success, to the science fiction, horror, war, western and humor genres.
In his introduction to Titan Books’ The Best of Simon and Kirby, Joe Simon recounts personal anecdotes of his early meetings with Kirby (who sadly died in 1994) and their subsequent collaboration. His comments show clear affection for his former partner. Of a young Kirby he says, “[he] was twenty-two years old, short and handsome, a slave to the Chinese danish.” He says that when he first saw Kirby’s art he felt that he would be proud to add his name to it. He also describes how Kirby was put to work during World War Two “painting clinical watercolors of patients’ frostbitten feet.”
The superhero characters, as represented in The Best of Simon and Kirby, are not as sophisticated as those in many of today’s graphic novels. Moreover, the Western tales reflect an age when historical accuracy was of less concern than entertainment value, the romance and horror stories are tame and the pre-spaceflight sci-fi is imaginatively absurd.
The fabulous artwork that accompanied some of Simon and Kirby's early works, as illustrated in The Best of Simon and Kirby.Simon and Kirby’s early works are no less enjoyable for being dated, though. Indeed, the characteristics that would be considered weaknesses today only highlight the historical significance of the pair’s entire portfolio. Their vintage works are indicative of the age in which the stories were written and of the market they were written for. These comics were intended as uplifting escapism, particularly during World War Two and the Cold War. In those days they served to keep up spirits and promote patriotism. Captain America and Fighting American were particularly potent symbols when their fists were flying at Nazi and Soviet agents.
Because early comic book stories had to be short, the writers sometimes had to resort to incredible leaps of happenstance in order to get the heroes where they needed to be. They were similar, therefore, to the B-grade movies that were popular in the years that the stories were published. This approach ensured, however, that the tales were dynamic and exciting . Those qualities were enhanced by the dramatic illustrations and striking colors that grace their pages.
Simon and Kirby’s early works might not be well known to the generations of children that flock to multi-million dollar comic book movies like The Avengers. Yet, they have all the color and vibrancy of today’s feature films without the need for high-definition and 3D. Those qualities ensure that they will always be timeless.

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