Sunday, October 30, 2011

Mainstream Press Deriding ‘Trekkies’

Despite the fact that the new Star Trek film is being largely embraced by those in the mainstream press — and, frankly, also by mainstream moviegoers — there seems to be an element of the media who still derive joy from deriding fans; perpetuating the negative and cliched stereotypes that Trek fans have endured for the past few decades.
TrekMovie founder Anthony Pascale notes that he has been contacted by a number of local, national and international media organizations to give quotes and do interviews on what he thinks of the new Star Trek film and how it is playing with fans. While the majority of outlets are typically interested in an honest appraisal, it seems others have an altogether different agenda—one of deciding that 'Star Trek' should still be mocked and looking to fix the evidence around their predetermined agenda (and we thought only Dick Cheney did that sort of thing).
Below, Pascale discusses his firsthand experience.
"…just this morning alone I have been contacted by ABC Good Morning America and NBC News, and both of them wanted to me to help provide a fan to put on camera to talk about how Trek fans as a whole are against this film. When I talked to producers for both, neither wanted to hear that those fans were only a small part, and in fact one producer (from NBC) hung up on me when I told him I thought it would be disingenuous for them to report that Trek fans as a whole were against this movie. I suggested to both that they could have two fans on with opposing views or at least represent the ‘negative’ fan as being part of just a segment of Trek fandom, but those suggestions fell on deaf ears. Our friend and star/producer of Star Trek Phase II James Cawley tells me that he has also turned down multiple mainstream media requests to attack the new movie."
Pascale is quick to point out that not all the corporate media types are so narrow-minded, a good example being the recent cover article from Newsweek, which you can see below. Nevertheless, it is interesting — and frankly, disturbing — to see how members of major corporate media are only interested in reinforcing dogma as opposed to doing what media is supposed to do: report both sides of the story.
Of course, this isn't just about Star Trek. One wonders what other stories are being so irresponsibly covered by mainstream media.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Chinese Films Seek to Rival Hollywood

Look out, Hollywood, the Chinese box office is on course to set new domestic records. The question now is how to keep that upward direction going.
After a record $630 million take last year, the Chinese film industry is on pace to rake in $800 million in 2009. However, at an occasionally contentious panel last Sunday, leading filmmakers in the region suggested the business still needs to grow in sophistication, reports Variety.
Speaking at the 12th Shanghai International Film Festival, Yu Dong, head of the Polybona distribution group, said the industry only has "limited kinds of movies." He added that the next five to six years will be critical.
"The market has developed but outsiders will come in soon—like the arrival of Hong Kong directors. Also Hollywood, which was initially scared but now sees opportunities for co-production," said Yu at a forum entitled, "Made in China: What Kind of Films Does the Domestic Market Want?"
If ticket sales are any indication, what they want are more films like Crazy Stone, a Guy Ritchie-ish heist flick, and City of Life and Death, a drama about the Nanjing massacre. Both films' directors — Ning Hao and Lu Chuan, respectively — were on-hand at Sunday’s panel, and belong to a select group of mainland Chinese helmers known as the "100-Million Club", which consists of directors whose films have made more than 100 million yuan ($15 million) in China.
But another panelist, art house filmmaker Wang Xiaoshuai, criticized directors who go for commercial appeal.
"These films have all made more than 100 million yuan at the box office but as directors they fail," he said. "People say I should switch to commercial films but I want to stick to art. I believe in art and I believe in culture."
"I’m thinking of a greater good," said Wang, whose In Love We Trust won a Silver Bear for screenplay at Berlin last year.
The growing influence of Chinese films abroad has been helped by improved distribution. However, critics say Chinese filmmakers need to do less multi-tasking — they are often producer-distributor-helmer rolled into one — if they are going to have increased success abroad.
But Lu Chuan said the real problem is focusing on international film festivals instead of domestic audiences.
"Filmmakers are working in a changed market. Instead of deliberately separating art and commercial films, we should follow what the audiences want. The market is growing up and audiences are maturing,"he said.
"Arthouse and commercial films are in there together. What we acutely need in China are films like The Godfather or Apocalypse Now."

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Steve Martin & Alec Baldwin Will Co-Host Oscars

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced that Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin will serve as co-hosts of the 82nd Academy Awards®, Oscar telecast.
"We think the team of Steve and Alec are the perfect pair of hosts for the Oscars," said Shankman and Mechanic. "Steve will bring the experience of having hosted the show in the past and Alec will be a completely fresh personality for this event."
"I am happy to co-host the Oscars with my enemy Alec Baldwin," said Martin.
"I don't play the banjo but I'm thrilled to be hosting the Oscars—it's the opportunity of a lifetime," said Baldwin.
Martin hosted the 73rd and 75th Academy Awards shows, earning an Emmy nomination for the first stint. He has also served as a presenter on the show several times, most recently at the ceremony in February when he appeared with Tina Fey. He is currently touring with the bluegrass band Steep Canyon Rangers in support of his latest album "The Crow: New Songs for the Five String Banjo." In 1977 and 1978 Martin won Grammys for Best Comedy Recording. He earned a third Grammy in 2001 in the Best Country Instrumental Performance category. In 2007 Martin earned a Kennedy Center Honor.
Baldwin was nominated for an Academy Award in 2003 for his supporting role in The Cooler. That year also marked his most recent appearance as a presenter on the show. Baldwin currently stars as Jack Donaghy on the comedy "30 Rock," a role for which he has won two Emmys (in 2008 and 2009). Baldwin earned a Tony nomination in 1992 for his performance in "A Streetcar Named Desire."
Academy Awards for outstanding film achievements of 2009 will be presented on Sunday, March 7, 2010, at the Kodak Theatre at Hollywood & Highland Center®, and televised live by the ABC Television Network. The Oscar presentation also will be televised live in more than 200 countries worldwide.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Will 3-D Television Really Transform Home Entertainment?

We've been hearing a lot of talk in recent months about 3-D television, and how it is going to transform the home entertainment experience. The latest news in that trend comes from Toshiba and RealD, who have announced that they are set to cooperate in bringing 3D technology to Toshiba TVs, including support for the stereoscopic RealD Format, as Toshiba advances development of REGZA TVs able to deliver HD quality 3D content.
According to Toshiba, the companies will also work together on technology for active eyewear compatible with Toshiba 3D-enabled displays. I'll have a few thoughts about this in a moment, but first, here's the release:
"Toshiba plans to introduce 3D into our REGZA line-up of Full-HD LCD TVs in 2010, and we are delighted to work with RealD, the clear leader in the industry," said Masaaki Osumi, President and CEO, Digital Media Network Company, Toshiba Corporation. "Home viewing is fast moving toward the total immersion offered by 3D, and Toshiba is determined to be in the vanguard in delivering this experience."
"3D is opening new opportunities for home entertainment and we look forward to collaborating with Toshiba to bring an unmatched 3D experience to their products," said Michael V. Lewis, Chairman and CEO of RealD. "RealD 3D technology has revolutionized cinema and the RealD Format promises to deliver a similar premium entertainment experience to the home utilizing today's existing HD infrastructure."
The RealD Format is a proprietary version of a side-by-side 3D format that multiplexes a left eye and right eye 3D image stream into a single channel for delivery of HD 3D content to any 3D-enabled display type – plasma, LCD or DLP. The RealD Format uses a unique set of proprietary filters and other technologies making it compatible with today's HD infrastructure for high quality 3D delivered via cable, satellite, packaged media or the Internet.
So is this the next great leap, as Hollywood and electronics manufacturers suggest? I submit not. If you've seen Avatar, then you know that the 3-D used in the film was little, if any, better than other recent 3-D films. Moreover, there's that little matter of the glasses. As long as the 3-D experience requires glasses, the format will never enter the mainstream, in the opinion of this writer. Glasses have a way of adding depth, but causing one to lose the cinematic scale, as well.
So will this be an expensive failure for Toshiba and other companies, then? It's hard to say for sure. Certainly 3-D films are less likely to be pirated; a likely incentive for the studios. But I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if you could walk into a Best Buy in six years and pick up a "new" 3-D TV at cut-rate prices.
Now if you'll excuse me, the 1950s are calling…they want their fad back.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Randy Quaid’s Felonious Flight Comes to an End

Whatever happened to Randy Quaid? The Oscar-nominated actor — known for such films asBrokeback Mountain, Independence Day and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation — has gone off the rails in recent years, running afoul of the law in incidents ripped straight from the pages of Bizzaroworld.
Most recently, arrest warrants were issued for the couple after they reportedly failed to show up for a court hearing in Santa Barbara, Calif., on allegations they were squatting in the guest house of a Montecito home they once owned in the 1990s. Quaid's 47-year-old wife Evi was also charged with resisting arrest.
Last month, the couple were released from a West Texas jail after being arrested for allegedly skipping out on a $10,000 California hotel bill.
It seems their flight has finally come to an end in Vancouver, where both were arrested Friday on outstanding warrants from the United States.
They were scheduled to appear at a detention-review hearing before the Immigration and Refugee Board on Friday afternoon.
According to the Vancouver Sun, Vancouver police got a call for assistance on Thursday and while checking the identities of a man and woman, learned they were wanted on outstanding warrants.
Vancouver police turned the couple over to the Canada Border Services Agency.
Meanwhile, Duane Chapman — better known as Dog the Bounty Hunter — had been warning Quaid that he was going to track the actor down and bring him to justice. "I hope Randy Quaid and his wife are watching right now," Chapman said the Lopez Tonight show on Thursday.
"We're announcing he has the chance to call authorities and turn himself in—and at least do it for your wife and for how you were raised. If not, the Chapman family is coming after you."
Chapman said it was time for him to intervene in Quaid's life and try to set him on the straight and narrow.
"There's something going on in his life. You know him and I know him too. He's not the same guy, so we need to do an intervention, Dog style."
It's nice to know that Quaid has a humanitarian in his corner. Meanwhile, something tells us that the Quaids won't be skipping again anytime soon.
We're betting a movie-of-the-week is already in the works.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

‘Avatar’ Prequel Story Being Penned by James Cameron

Producer Jon Landau has told MTV that James Cameron is presently hard at work penning the prequel to Avatar. But this story isn't intended for the big screen.
"Jim is going to write a novel himself," said Landau."Not a novelization. A novelization basically retells the story of the movie. Jim wants to write a novel that is a big, epic story that fills in a lot of things [we] won't have time to do in the movie, or maybe in sequels. [So the novel will] give a foundation for the world."
"It would be something that would lead up to telling the story of the movie," Landau added, "but it would go into much more depth about all the stories that we didn't have time to deal with—like the schoolhouse and Sigourney [Weaver's character] teaching at the schoolhouse; Jake on Earth and his backstory and how he came here; [the death of] Tommy, Jake's brother; and Colonel Quaritch, how he ended up there and all that."
Landau says that he hopes Cameron will be able to finish the novel in time to see it published by the end of this year.
To the best of our knowledge, this will mark the writer/director's first published work of fiction.
Just when you thought Cameron couldn't possibly be busy enough with other projects, not to mention prepping the Avatar sequel. Are you looking forward to this tome, or do you think the writer/director would have been better handing this off to an established novelist and focusing instead on the next movie?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happy 98th Birthday, Joe Simon!

The names Joe Simon and Jack Kirby are widely regarded as legendary in the context of comic book history. Either in collaboration or independently, these men were responsible for creating some of the best-known superheroes. Starting out in the earliest days of comics, they also wrote and illustrated a multitude of titles that covered every major comic book genre.
Today, October 11, marks the 98th birthday of Joe Simon. Without his wonderful work with Kirby and other collaborators, we wouldn’t be eagerly anticipating The Avengers or enjoying many of the other blockbusting superhero movies that have become a staple of modern cinema. At CinemaSpy we wanted to mark Simon’s birthday with a look back at some of his pioneering work. Without question, his contribution to the rise of comic books as a popular and respected form of art and entertainment helped to set the stage for the multifaceted superhero franchises that enthrall the world today.
Simon and Kirby (whose real name was Jacob Kurtzberg) were born in New York in 1913 and 1917, respectively. The early years of their work coincided with the so-called Golden Age of Comics and their contribution to that period and beyond was enormous. Some of their earliest collaborations came at Marvel Comics’ predecessor Timely Comics, where they created Captain America (first published in 1941). Later they would contribute – individually or as a team – to the creation of other publications and characters, including the magazine Sick and the iconic superheros The Hulk, The Fantastic Four and X-Men. They would also work for Marvel’s chief rival, DC Comics, producing various titles that included the popular Boy Commandos.
The seemingly boundless energy and creativity of Simon and Kirby ensured that they were also responsible for producing many characters that are less well-known today. Those creations are nonetheless charming footnotes in the annals of comic book history. They include Stuntman, Fighting American, The Fly and the supernatural superhero The Vision. Some of these had more verve than substance, but they were essential to the development of superheros in general and reflect an age more interested in adventure than angst. Simon and Kirby didn’t restrict themselves to heroes, either. They effectively invented the romance comic book and contributed, with varying commercial success, to the science fiction, horror, war, western and humor genres.
In his introduction to Titan Books’ The Best of Simon and Kirby, Joe Simon recounts personal anecdotes of his early meetings with Kirby (who sadly died in 1994) and their subsequent collaboration. His comments show clear affection for his former partner. Of a young Kirby he says, “[he] was twenty-two years old, short and handsome, a slave to the Chinese danish.” He says that when he first saw Kirby’s art he felt that he would be proud to add his name to it. He also describes how Kirby was put to work during World War Two “painting clinical watercolors of patients’ frostbitten feet.”
The superhero characters, as represented in The Best of Simon and Kirby, are not as sophisticated as those in many of today’s graphic novels. Moreover, the Western tales reflect an age when historical accuracy was of less concern than entertainment value, the romance and horror stories are tame and the pre-spaceflight sci-fi is imaginatively absurd.
The fabulous artwork that accompanied some of Simon and Kirby's early works, as illustrated in The Best of Simon and Kirby.Simon and Kirby’s early works are no less enjoyable for being dated, though. Indeed, the characteristics that would be considered weaknesses today only highlight the historical significance of the pair’s entire portfolio. Their vintage works are indicative of the age in which the stories were written and of the market they were written for. These comics were intended as uplifting escapism, particularly during World War Two and the Cold War. In those days they served to keep up spirits and promote patriotism. Captain America and Fighting American were particularly potent symbols when their fists were flying at Nazi and Soviet agents.
Because early comic book stories had to be short, the writers sometimes had to resort to incredible leaps of happenstance in order to get the heroes where they needed to be. They were similar, therefore, to the B-grade movies that were popular in the years that the stories were published. This approach ensured, however, that the tales were dynamic and exciting . Those qualities were enhanced by the dramatic illustrations and striking colors that grace their pages.
Simon and Kirby’s early works might not be well known to the generations of children that flock to multi-million dollar comic book movies like The Avengers. Yet, they have all the color and vibrancy of today’s feature films without the need for high-definition and 3D. Those qualities ensure that they will always be timeless.

Monday, October 10, 2011

When Disney Meets Osama bin Laden

Two days after an elite US special forces team broke into Osama bin Laden’s Pakistan compound on May 1 and killed the al-Qaeda leader, Media Bistro reports the Walt Disney Company trademarked the term ‘Seal Team 6′, the name of the actual team of operatives who conducted the operation.
Seal Team 6 is regarded as the most highly trained of all Navy Seals; the best of the best.
(As an aside, the book, “SEAL Team Six: Memoirs of an Elite Navy SEAL Sniper”, is being rushed into stores this week ahead of its originally scheduled May 24 publication date.)
According to the US trademark service, Disney’s move covers, and we quote:
“Entertainment and education services, toys, games and play things; gymnastic and sporting articles (except clothing); hand-held units for playing electronic games other than those adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; Christmas stockings; Christmas tree ornaments and decorations; snow globes, clothing, footwear and headwear.”
It’s perhaps the ultimate indignity for the man who claimed he despised Western Capitalism (though, notably, kept a collection of porn in his compound room), now that his death is feeding that very capitalistic machine.
How Disney plans to leverage the trademark is unknown. Though we expect that a movie about Seal Team 6 could be a possibility, toys and paraphernalia for kids is even more likely in the near future.
As we’ve previously reported, filmmaker Kathryn Bigelow is already hard at work on a movie about the assassination of the al Qaeda leader, Kill Bin Laden.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Stargate Goes Up For Sale…in Pieces

Want a piece of Stargate Command? CinemaSpy has learned that after hosting 14 years of Stargate production in Vancouver, Bridge Studios is to be the stage for a saddening sell-off of objects from the three series that made up the live-action parts of the franchise: Stargate: SG-1, Stargate Atlantis and SGU: Stargate Universe. The event will take place this coming Friday and Saturday.
Production on the Stargate franchise came to end after 17 seasons earlier this year following the regrettable cancellation of Stargate Universe and the permanent shelving of scripts for proposed spin-off movies from SG-1 and Atlantis. Universewas effectively killed in December 2010 when the US channel Syfy decided not to renew it for a third season due to poor ratings.
Despite the efforts of Brad Wright, a co-creator and executive producer on all three series, no replacement broadcaster could be found to allow production of SGU to continue in the form of movie follow-ups. Fan groups are still campaigning to save the show but it is virtually impossible to revive with the recasting of actors, dismantling of sets and now the sell-off of relics from all three series.
The ‘liquidation sale,’ conducted by Maynards, will include props, costumes, furniture, set decorations, memorabilia and other items from the three shows. It will take place at Bridge Studios’ FX Stage at 2400 Boundary Road in Burnaby, British Columbia on June 17 and 18. We’ve reproduced the advertisement below.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What has Monalisa got up her sleeve?

If the gist reaching the ears of Society Plus has a good stink to it the estranged Nollywood top actress and Glo ambassador, Monalisa Chinda’s lonely nights may just be coming to an end.
That is, if she’s not already wallowing in it already. Before you start running your mind rag, this is not about her publicised Henry guy, who many felt was ample enough to soothe the pains left by her ex, Dejo Richard, this is a new guy on the block who happens to be in the trade too.
The gist is that Monalisa has got a thing for this matinee dude, called Joseph Benjamin, who got his big break as a sidekick presenter on MTN Project Fame West Africa Season II.
This guy who now features on a soap ‘Tinsel’ running on Dstv is said to be in with the actress on a more than business tango unlike the “Tango With Me” flick he shot with Genevieve Nnaji. The word is that these two are running like rug rats and might already be doing what the minks do.
The public got a hint of what might have been brewing between this two when they were all over each other at the launch of ‘Jara’ an Mnet television flick to showcase the behind-the-scene lifestyle of Nollywood stars.
Both Monalisa and Joseph could not just live it down as they snuggled and giggled, nestling so close together all evening.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Presenter, Frank Edoho's Marriage Break Up Latest!

Wife moves out of home over inability to pay rent.
Sells off Lexus Jeep to make ends meet.
Contrary to his public posture, sources have reaffirmed that celebrated presenter of must watch television programme, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, Mr Frank Edoho has indeed abandoned his family.
And not only this, fresh information has it that he has also stopped providing for his broadcaster wife, Kathrine and their three children.
He is said to have adopted this stance for close to a year now.
Information at our disposal revealed that Edoho had carefully masked the development from the public based on the after effect it might have on his job.
The promoters of his claim to fame, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire had warned him about any negativity about his person rubbing off their show.
He is widely seen as the face of the show all over town. It was their insistence that made him recalled his wife in the initial celebrated bust up that the couple later denied. There were talks of replacing him as presenter of the show before he bowed to the demand of the promoters of the show.
His present action of moving out of his matrimonial home and stopping all allowances due to the family for about a year is said to have started taking it’s toll on the wife and their three children.
Kathrine is said to have sold off the Lexus jeep her husband bought for her over inability to maintain it and part of efforts to make ends meet towards the end of last year.
In other to keep up appearances, she was said to have opted for another Jeep- though of lesser grade- identified as a Pathfinder.
She is said to have survived all these while on support from close knit family and friends in the know and her earnings as an employee of the Nigerian Television Authority.
But these efforts are evidently barely able to sustain her and the children.
Recent development has it that Kathrine has moved out of the home abandoned by Edoho over inability to continue paying the house rent.
The house located inside Chevron estate is said to go for around 3-4 million Naira per annum.
Unconfirmed sources described her new location as on ‘Abraham Adesanya’.
Further investigation revealed that as marriage break up generates increased public awareness by the concerned parties have started wading into the matter to patch things up before irreversible factors make the change in the marriage permanent.
Edoho, now living in a new apartment is said to be resisting the move- while maintaining public stand of just an everyday disagreement in the marriage.
The immediate reasons that resulted in the current state of the marital union are yet to be established.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

  Michael Jackson's Head of Security, Personal Assistant Reveal Frantic Details About Singer's Death

Prosecutors are calling a key witness Thursday in an attempt to show jurors that Michael Jackson's doctor delayed calling authorities on the day the King of Pop was found lifeless and was intent on concealing indications that he had been giving the singer doses of a surgical anesthetic.
As the involuntary manslaughter trial of Dr. Conrad Murray enters its third day, testimony will keep jurors focused on events in Jackson's bedroom during the frantic moments when efforts were made to revive the unresponsive pop superstar.
Sept. 28: Witness Faheem Muhammad testifies during the second day of Conrad Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial in the death of pop star Michael Jackson in downtown Los Angeles. (AP)
The panel has already gotten a glimpse into the entertainer's inner sanctum through photos and testimony. On Thursday, they will hear from the first bodyguard to reach the room after Murray summoned for help.
In testimony during a preliminary hearing earlier this year, Alberto Alvarez said Murray ordered him to stash away vials of medicine and an IV bag before calling 911. Jackson, his eyes and mouth open, appeared to be dead, he said.
The bodyguard's testimony is crucial to prosecutors' contentions that Murray delayed calling 911 and was intent on covering up evidence that he had given Jackson propofol in his bedroom, a far different environment than the surgical settings where it is normally administered.
Alvarez's testimony will likely be challenged by Murray's defense attorneys, who on Wednesday questioned Jackson's head of security and the singer's personal assistant about why they didn't reveal certain details about the day Jackson died to police for at least two months. Defense lawyer Ed Chernoff asked Faheem Muhammad and Michael Amir Williams about whether they conferred with Alvarez before their interviews with detectives.
Williams, who was Jackson's personal assistant, said his interview with detectives had been delayed. He testified Wednesday that he received an urgent phone call from Murray on the day of Jackson's death but wasn't told to call 911. He called Muhammad, who then dispatched Alvarez to Jackson's bedroom on the second floor of the singer's rented mansion in the ritzy Holmby Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles.
The room was off-limits to Jackson's staff, and Muhammad paused before racing up the stairs after reaching the mansion just before paramedics arrived.
He described a heart-wrenching scene. By then, he said, Jackson had been removed from his bed and was on the floor, where Murray, sweaty and frantic, was performing CPR.
Alvarez was pacing nervously, Muhammad told the jury. When he saw Jackson up close, he understood why.
"What did you observe about his face," prosecutor David Walgren asked
"That his eyes were open," Muhammad said. "That his mouth was slightly open."
"Did he appear to be dead," Walgren asked.
The bodyguard soon noticed that Jackson's children, Prince and Paris, had gathered by the doorway.
"Paris was on the ground, balled up crying," Muhammad said. He ushered the children out of the room, and then into a sport utility vehicle so they could follow the ambulance to the hospital.
Paparazzi were already swarming the perimeter of the mansion and were waiting at the hospital, Muhammad recalled.
Some of the scenes recounted by Muhammad will likely be repeated Thursday as prosecutors work to fill in other details about Murray's behavior after finding Jackson unconscious. Also expected to testify on Thursday are Kai Chase, a chef who spoke to Murray briefly on the morning of Jackson's death, and paramedics who also tried to revive the singer. The medics believed Jackson was already dead by the time they arrived, but Murray insisted the performer be taken to a hospital for additional resuscitation efforts.
Prosecutors contend Murray did not tell any of the bodyguards or emergency personnel that he had been giving Jackson propofol and other sedatives to help him sleep.
Chernoff claimed in opening statements that Jackson gave himself the lethal dose.
Much of the trial in later sessions will focus on the science of what killed Jackson, and dueling theories of Murray's role.
For at least another day, jurors will hear from witnesses who knew him when he was alive.